How the keto diet and biohacking can help you improve athletic performance and physical fitness. How nutrition affects endurance, strength, and recovery. Tips for adapting your workouts to the keto diet. How to combine physical exercise with low-carb nutrition to achieve maximum efficiency in sports, whether it’s cardio, strength training, or high-intensity interval training.


Bench press with a narrow grip. Description and technique
Chest MusclesGym

The narrow grip bench press is a compound exercise aimed at activating the triceps, inner chest muscles, and front deltoids. It is one of the most effective exercises for increasing the strength and mass of the triceps, as well as for strengthening the inner part of the chest.

This exercise is popular among bodybuilders, powerlifters, […]

Bench press with medium grip. Description and technique
Chest MusclesGym

The barbell bench press with a medium grip is a classic foundational exercise that evenly distributes the load between the pectoral muscles, triceps, and anterior deltoids.

This grip is preferred by many athletes as it provides a comfortable and natural position for the hands.

With a medium grip, the hands are placed slightly wider than […]

Russian twist. Description and technique of execution

The Russian twist is an exercise designed to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles and the stabilizing muscles of the core, as well as to enhance rotational strength. It helps to form a defined abdominal area and improve athletic performance, focusing on movements characteristic of both sports and everyday life.

The Russian twist is performed in […]

Crunches. Description and technique of execution

Curl-ups are a fundamental isolation exercise aimed at developing the rectus abdominis muscle. This is an effective way to strengthen the abs and shape a defined belly.

Curl-ups are performed lying on your back. The athlete lifts the upper body, activating the abdominal muscles and maintaining tension in the abs.

This is one of the […]

Plank. Description and technique of execution

The plank is a static exercise that effectively strengthens the core muscles, improves posture, and develops overall body stability.

It is suitable for people of various fitness levels and requires no special equipment.

The plank is performed lying on the floor, where the body is held in a straight line, supported by the forearms or […]

Leg raises in a hang. Description and technique

Hanging leg raises are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles, especially the lower part.

Additionally, this exercise develops the core muscles, which helps improve stabilization and overall strength performance.

This exercise is performed on a pull-up bar or a stand with forearm supports. The athlete, hanging, raises straight or bent […]

Hyperextension. Description and technique of execution

Hyperextension is an isolated exercise focused on developing the spinal extensors, glutes, and hamstrings.

This exercise helps strengthen the lower back muscles, improve posture, and reduce the likelihood of injuries when performing heavy compound exercises. It also helps alleviate back pain.

Hyperextension is performed on a specialized bench where the pelvis is secured and the […]

Block pull to the abdomen. Description and technique

The block pull to the abdomen is a fundamental exercise designed for the development of back muscle mass. It is a versatile exercise for strengthening and developing the middle part of the back. It actively engages the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboid muscles, is performed on a cable machine, and is a safe alternative to […]

Upper block pull. Description and technique of execution

The lat pulldown is a primary exercise on the machine that simulates pull-ups. This exercise effectively develops the latissimus dorsi muscles of the back, which is especially beneficial for those who cannot perform pull-ups with their own body weight.

This exercise is performed on a cable machine. The athlete pulls the handle to the chest […]

Bent-over barbell row. Description and technique

The bent-over barbell row is a basic compound exercise designed to develop the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboid muscles, and posterior deltoids.

It is a key element of training for strengthening and increasing muscle mass in the back.

This exercise is performed in a bent-over position. The athlete takes the barbell with an overhand or underhand […]

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