Heat on the stove: 15 min, Chill in the refrigerator: 2 h, Let it stand: 3 h
Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description$$$
Almond ricotta is a delicious and healthy product that is perfect for a keto diet. In this recipe, we will show you how to make almond ricotta from almond milk.
Start by placing almond milk (~1044 grams) in a pot and heating it until it almost boils, but do not bring it to a full boil (80-85 degrees).
Once the milk is heated, turn off the stove and add lemon juice (120 grams). This will help curdle the proteins in the milk.
After that, let the milk with lemon juice cool down. You can place the pot in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours or leave it overnight.
During this time, the proteins will curdle due to the acid, and you will get a lumpy mass consisting of curdled proteins and whey.
Then transfer this mass to a milk straining bag and hang it up. It is best to leave it overnight for all the whey to drain, but 3 hours will be sufficient as well.
Once all the whey has drained, your almond ricotta will be ready to use.
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