Glycemic index: ?The rate of increase in blood sugar level after consuming the product compared to pure glucose. The lower, the better.
Glycemic load: ?The lower, the better.
Insulin index, II: ?The degree of insulin increase in response to a product compared to glucose, taking into account both carbohydrates and proteins with fats. The lower, the better.
Inflammatory index, DI: ?Reflects how the product affects the level of inflammation in the body. Products with a positive index can enhance inflammatory processes, while those with a negative index can reduce them, helping to improve immunity and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Antioxidant, ORAC: ?The higher the value, the stronger the antioxidant properties. Listed per 100 grams. It is recommended to consume foods with a total minimum of 5000 ORAC per day.
Protein digestibility: ?The higher the PDCAAS value, the better the protein is absorbed, and the more protein the body can synthesize. Max value of 1 means that all the protein is used by the body for synthesis.
Benefits for the body:
Rich in vitamins:
Rich in minerals:
Phytoestrogens: ?Imitate the action of the female sex hormone. It is considered undesirable for men to consume large amounts of products with phytoestrogens.