Main Dictionary of Keto and OMAD Terms E E507 E507 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z More terms from the section Acidity regulators and other additives:E334E336E401E427E433E434E435E460E462E510ReadVideo on the topic E507 is a food additive known as magnesium chloride. It is widely used in the food industry as a pH regulator and stabilizer. Magnesium chloride as a food additive is low in calories and does not contain carbohydrates. Magnesium chloride is commonly used in canned vegetables, seafood, cheeses, and other products. In general, magnesium chloride is a safe and beneficial food additive that can be included in the diet on a keto diet. Any remaining questions? Ask chatGPT.: If you have any questions о термине "E507", you can ask them to our bot. Ask a question List of videos from YouTube by request "E507": Recommend keto recipes.Coconut flour breadWhite bread with proteinChocolate-peanut cookiesChocolate cake (base)Coconut flour bread with cocoaCurd and sour cream jelly with berriesSection:Acidity regulators and other additivesShare: