Main Dictionary of Keto and OMAD Terms L Leucine Leucine 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z More terms from the section Nutrients:AcetoacetateEicosapentaenoic acidGalllic acidLinoleic acidOmega-6 fatty acidsSimple carbohydratesThiamineTriglyceridesValinZeaxanthinReadVideo on the topic Leucine is one of the important amino acids that plays a key role in maintaining muscle health and ensuring proper body function. Leucine helps preserve muscle mass in conditions of low carbohydrate intake. Leucine also contributes to protein synthesis, which is necessary for muscle recovery and growth. Sources of leucine include foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Any remaining questions? Ask chatGPT.: If you have any questions о термине "Leucine", you can ask them to our bot. Ask a question List of videos from YouTube by request "Leucine": Recommend keto recipes.Mug muffinCherry muffinsStrawberry pieCoconut bunsChocolate avocado-banana moussePumpkin muffinsSection:NutrientsShare: