Main Dictionary of Keto and OMAD Terms S Secoisolariciresinol Secoisolariciresinol 5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z More terms from the section Other Terms:Glucose tolerance testLignansMatryoshkaMenachinoneNormocaloric dietPaleoProlineRefidingSaponinsThermogenesisReadVideo on the topic Secoisolariciresinol is a natural phytoestrogen that may have a positive impact on hormonal balance in women, especially during menopause. This component is also known for its antioxidant properties, which help protect cells from damage by free radicals. Secoisolariciresinol can be found in products such as flax seeds, as well as in a variety of other plant sources. Any remaining questions? Ask chatGPT.: If you have any questions о термине "Secoisolariciresinol", you can ask them to our bot. Ask a question List of videos from YouTube by request "Secoisolariciresinol": Recommend keto recipes.NutellaAvocado mousseCoconut macaroonsBird’s milkThree-ingredient chocolate dessertTortillasSection:Other TermsShare: