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So what are trans fats, why are they harmful, and where are they found?

Trans fats are any refined or hydrogenated vegetable oils. Margarines, spreads, cookies, crackers, chips — these are the main sources of trans fats. But trans fats can also be created on their own. They form after the second frying in the same oil. Even the first frying at high temperatures, for example, in a deep fryer, can lead to their formation. Trans fats also form if vegetable oil is stored for a long time at temperatures above 25°C, in light, or in open containers.

Trans fats cannot interact with protein. Therefore, trans fats always result in "bad" cholesterol. They cause inflammatory processes and damage cellular structures.

Type 2 diabetes

This is a threat to the very existence of humanity according to the WHO! What is it?

According to the WHO, this is a threat to the very existence of humanity. One third of the adult population suffers from this. It takes 18 million lives each year. And it’s not COVID.

It has been called the deadly notebook: metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. The cause of all these diseases is the same: improper nutrition with high sugar and trans-fat content, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and stress.

Are children behaving aggressively? It's a sign of deficiency:

Aggressive behavior, especially in children, is often a result of a deficiency in iron, lithium, omega-3, or vitamins C, B1, B6, B9, B12. An excess of sugar can also be a cause.

Foods and recipes rich in each of these nutrients can be found on our website.


Why do warts and herpes appear, and what is the best prevention against them?

Viruses are always present in the body, but the immune system suppresses them.

The appearance of warts or herpes is the activation of viruses due to a decrease in immunity. And the best prevention is to boost immunity through proper nutrition, sleep, meditation, and regular physical activity.

Products and recipes that protect against viruses and strengthen immunity can be found on our website.

Can you eat when you're sick, and if so, what?

According to research, carbohydrate consumption reduces the activity of leukocytes that fight infections. This lowers immunity for up to 5 hours. Therefore, if you are sick, it is better not to eat at all.

But if you really want to eat, it is better to consume protein-rich foods: fish, meat, avocado, nuts. Or berries and low-carb vegetables: broccoli, spinach, kale, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage.

How to boost immunity with food. Why it works and recipes.

How to boost immunity with food? Vitamins and minerals.

To maintain immunity, vitamins A, C, and D are necessary. As well as iron and protein.
Vitamin A is rich in liver, eggs, fatty dairy products, and greens.
Vitamin C can be found in bell peppers, greens, and berries.
Vitamin D is in fish and cod liver.
Iron is in liver, red meat, and seafood, sesame, and cocoa.
Protein is rich in meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, almonds, peanuts, and sunflower seeds.

Why shouldn't you lower the temperature during an illness?

High temperature is a sign of a strong immune system.

At temperatures above 38 degrees, the production of proteins to fight viruses accelerates.

And the activity of bacteria and viruses decreases.

If you lower the temperature, the immune system works worse and recovery takes longer.

To avoid prolonging the illness, it is better not to lower the temperature to 39 degrees.

However, in cases of risk of seizures, chronic diseases, pregnancy, and in children before bedtime, it is better to lower the temperature already at 38 degrees.

Growth hormone

Excess weight? Fatigue? Poor sleep? Sagging skin? Your growth hormone is suppressed - and here's how to fix it.

Many people have suppressed growth hormone. This leads to excess weight, fatigue, poor sleep, and sagging skin. The problem is not the amount of growth hormone, but what prevents it from working.
Stress and cortisol block growth hormone. Breathing practices, meditation, and any physical training can reduce stress levels.
But the main obstacle to growth hormone is insulin. When insulin rises, growth hormone stops working. Insulin increases after high-carbohydrate foods. Porridge, bread, pasta, pastries, potatoes, flour, any products with sugar and trans fats - all of these block growth hormone.
Snacking every two hours is death for growth hormone.
Therefore, a keto diet and intermittent fasting are effective for growth hormone. The main principle of keto is to eat foods that minimally raise insulin. This allows growth hormone to be produced and work throughout the day.
Intermittent fasting enhances the action of growth hormone. After 16 hours without food, the hormone level increases threefold.

Growth hormone

How to increase growth hormone. The simplest ways.

The benefits of growth hormone are known to all.
The fight against aging, weight loss, muscle mass gain, increased energy, endurance, and brain function, among others.
But growth hormone injections are dangerous and expensive - the monthly cost can reach $5,000.
Meanwhile, there are simple and safe ways to increase its levels.
Growth hormone is produced during sleep. Go to bed before midnight and sleep at least 7 hours to boost growth hormone levels.
Growth hormone is also produced after intense strength training or prolonged cardio workouts.
That's why it's so important to go to the gym.
But it's not only important to produce growth hormone.
A number of factors suppress its function.


How to choose a ripe and tasty pineapple.

Tired of celebrating New Year with a green or rotten pineapple? These methods will help you choose a truly delicious fruit.
The first method - smell its base. The base is where there are no leaves. If the smell is intensely sour, the fruit is overripe. An unripe pineapple has no smell. A sweet aroma screams at you - take me, take me.
The second method - touch it. If it’s soft, it’s overripe. If it’s very hard - it’s still green. If you feel a slight firmness - that’s love.
The third method - look at its base. If the skin is golden yellow or orange - it has been waiting just for you. But remember, some varieties remain green even when ripe.
The fourth method - tear something off it. If the leaves come off easily, and the base of the leaf is slightly green or yellow - the pineapple is ripe. If the leaves come off with difficulty, and the base is white - it’s green. If the pineapple has few leaves, it’s a superstar. Or just old. Or you’re not the only one who watched this video.

Why salads cannot be stored after preparation.

Ready-made salad cannot be stored, as light, oxygen, temperature, acidity, and contact with iron destroy some of the vitamins. The smaller the vegetables are chopped, the greater the destruction. Vitamin C and B vitamins are particularly affected. Vitamins A and E also degrade, but to a lesser extent.
After just 3 hours, up to a third of vitamin C is lost. After 12 hours, 70% of vitamin C will be destroyed. Additionally, 40% of B vitamins, and 10% of vitamins A and E will be lost.
To reduce losses, store the ready-made salad in an airtight container in the refrigerator and dress it just before consumption. In this case, after 12 hours, only a third of vitamin C will be lost.

Which vitamin deficiencies are most common?

According to Harvard University, 70% of the world's population suffers from vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Half of the population has a deficiency of vitamin D. In Russia, this figure exceeds 80%.
Also, 80% of Russians have a deficiency of vitamin B2.
In India and Africa, the deficiency of vitamin B12 reaches 80%. In Latin America, it is 40%.
20% of the population in developing countries has a deficiency of vitamin B9. A similar deficiency is observed for vitamin C.

Egg white

Which plant and animal proteins are the most complete?

Among plant products, soy has the most complete protein. The protein digestibility index of soy is 1. However, soy products in large quantities may be undesirable for men due to their phytoestrogen content.
Among plant products available on keto, after soy come pumpkin seeds and spirulina. Their protein digestibility index is approximately 0.7.
All animal products contain complete protein. But the most balanced in amino acids is egg white.

Ketogenic diet

90% of dietitians are mistaken about the Keto diet! What is the right Keto?

Many nutritionists believe that the Keto diet is all about eating meat. In reality, this type of diet is called Carnivore, used as a course for treating SIBO, and has nothing to do with Keto.
Other nutritionists think that Keto is a diet consisting only of protein. In fact, on Keto, protein makes up no more than 20% of total caloric intake.
The proper Keto diet is one where healthy fats are the foundation of the meal plan. But the most important thing is to combine them with plenty of greens, berries, and vegetables!
Meat, eggs, fish, cheeses, nuts, seeds, avocados - these are the staples of Keto. But every meal must be combined with a large amount of greens, as well as vegetables and berries.


Why is it important to consume complete protein?

Protein from food is broken down into amino acids, from which the body's own protein is synthesized.
All essential amino acids are necessary for synthesis. If any amino acid is lacking, the body either breaks down muscles to obtain the needed amino acid or uses the incoming amino acids as a source of energy.
Both the first and the second option are undesirable for health. Obtaining energy from protein is accompanied by the formation of ammonia, which is toxic in large amounts.
To avoid this, it's important to consume complete protein from eggs, meat, fish, and cheeses.

Which mineral deficiencies are most common?

According to Harvard University, 70% of the population suffers from vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
In Europe and Russia, 70% of the population has a deficiency of iodine, according to WHO.
According to WHO, 65% of the world's population has a magnesium deficiency. In Russia, the figure reaches 85%.
Half of the world suffers from a calcium deficiency. The deficiency is present in 30% of men and 60% of women.
A significant portion of the population consumes insufficient potassium. In some countries, the figure exceeds 50%.
In various countries, more than half of the population has a selenium deficiency. For example, in China, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden. In Russia, the figure reaches 80%.
The zinc deficiency affects 30% of the Earth's population. In developing countries, it is 40%.
The iron deficiency affects 25% of the Earth's population. Among pregnant women, the deficiency is 80%.


How to lower cholesterol with food.

Phytosterols are antagonists of cholesterol due to their similarity to it.
Therefore, their consumption lowers cholesterol levels and helps combat atherosclerosis.
Sources of phytosterols include soy products, nuts and seeds, unrefined vegetable oils, avocados, broccoli, and other vegetables.


How to properly take chlorophyll. Don't make mistakes.

Chlorophyll is an antioxidant that aids in detoxification, strengthens the immune system, and improves digestion. But how should it be taken?
Chlorophyll is better absorbed on an empty stomach. This allows it to penetrate the cells more effectively. Taking it after a meal reduces its potential effects.
Fat-soluble forms of chlorophyll are best taken with a spoonful of cod liver oil, coconut oil, olive oil, or MCT oil.
Natural detoxification processes occur in the body during the first half of the day. To allow chlorophyll to interact with them, it is better to take it in the morning.
If you want to boost energy and saturate the cells with oxygen, you can take chlorophyll before a workout.
Chlorophyll should not be taken together with calcium or iron. This will reduce their absorption.

Why any fruit juices are harmful! The second reason

Fructose, which is mainly found in juice, combines with proteins and fats in the body ten times more actively than even sugar. This is a negative process known as endogenous glycation. As a result, compounds are formed that lead to cell damage, accelerate aging, and enhance inflammatory processes.

Why any fruit juices are harmful! The first reason

Juice is concentrated fructose without the fiber that restrains it. If sugar impacts the whole body, reducing the force of the blow, then fructose hits directly at the liver. The liver can process up to 50 grams of fructose at a time. Everything else turns into fat, which accumulates in the liver. This leads to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. And later to liver cirrhosis.

Green tea

Does tea become harmful after 30 minutes? Why shouldn't tea be left for too long?

Any tea loses its beneficial properties and can become harmful if left for a long time.
After 30 minutes of brewing, antioxidants begin to break down. This is especially true for green tea, which is rich in catechins.
After 2 hours at room temperature, bacteria and fungi start to multiply. This is particularly the case with tea that has additives: lemon, honey, sweeteners.
After 8 hours, there are enough bacteria to cause stomach upset.
After 12 hours, the tea leaves will start to release purines, putting a strain on the kidneys, and compounds that irritate the mucous membrane.
To benefit from tea, it's best to drink it within the first 30 minutes after brewing. Or at least within 3 hours.
If you need to keep tea for 24 hours, remove the tea leaves, place it in the refrigerator, and do not add any additives. This won't preserve its beneficial properties but will reduce potential harm to health.

TOP antioxidant-rich foods based on the ORAC antioxidant index

What publicly available product is the most powerful antioxidant of all?

The ORAC antioxidant index evaluates the overall antioxidant strength of a product. It is believed that to provide antioxidant protection to the body, a minimum of 5000 ORAC units should be consumed daily.
The highest antioxidant power is found in a number of spices – they are the easiest way to obtain the required amount of ORAC.
In first place is sumac. To get 5000 ORAC, it is enough to eat half a teaspoon of this spice.
Next is cinnamon – just under a teaspoon is sufficient. For turmeric or moringa, 2 teaspoons are needed. Or 4 teaspoons of thyme. Additionally, one and a half teaspoons of acai powder can be consumed.
But it is better to combine these spices, as each of them has unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Cooking salt

Which salt is the most beneficial?

Table salt, Himalayan salt, sea salt, and a dozen other types of salt.
Everyone talks about the great benefits of Himalayan salt or, at least, sea salt.
Allegedly, they contain a multitude of minerals.
For example, Himalayan salt is rich in iron.
But if you look deeper, to get the daily norm of iron from Himalayan salt, you would need to consume 3 kg of salt.
Are you ready for that?
Any salt contains only chlorine and sodium in large quantities.
The content of other minerals is minimal.
Thus, the most beneficial salt is any iodized salt.
In addition to chlorine and sodium, 4 grams of such salt contains the daily norm of iodine.

Which foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids?

Which products are rich in Omega-3 and what are their benefits?

Scientists agree that Omega-3 fats are beneficial for health.
They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, lower bad cholesterol, and support the health of the heart, brain, and other body systems.
The more Omega-3 you consume, the better the balance with Omega-6.
Everyone knows that Omega-3 comes from fish and seafood.
But they are also found abundantly in the following plant products: walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, perilla oil, and flax oil.
Among seafood, cod liver contains the highest amount of Omega-3.
Just 10 grams of liver provides the daily requirement of Omega-3.
Next comes fatty fish: mackerel, salmon, trout.
25 grams of fatty fish is enough to meet the daily requirement.


TOP products for boosting testosterone

Zinc, selenium, and vitamin D are involved in testosterone production. Their deficiency leads to a decrease in testosterone levels. These nutrients are most abundant in oysters, hemp seeds and maca, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. Also in Brazil nuts, cod liver, fish, and hard cheese.


How to easily protect vision from age-related diseases?

Protection of the macula of the eyes, prevention of age-related macular degeneration, reduction of risk and slowing of cataracts, protection from harmful blue light exposure. All this is provided by lutein. That is why it is so important to obtain it from food.
Especially as the level of lutein in the body decreases with age.
Lutein is found in greens and many green vegetables. The daily norm is contained in 100 grams of kale, spinach, chard, and beet greens. Half of the daily norm is found in 100 grams of basil, dill, and parsley.

Vitamin D

Do not take vitamin D3 without this additional vitamin!

If you are taking vitamin D3, you should ensure that it also contains vitamin K2. Or you are getting enough vitamin K2 from your diet.

These vitamins work synergistically. While vitamin D3 improves calcium absorption, vitamin K2 directs calcium to the bones and teeth.

Inadequate vitamin K2 will cause calcium to deposit wherever it can. Most often in the arteries. This can lead to atherosclerosis and strokes.

Vitamin K

Why does vitamin K deficiency occur? Learn about the most common cause of deficiency. It's very simple.

The most common reason for vitamin K deficiency is banal.
The source of this vitamin is greens. Almost all greens contain little fat.
At the same time, this vitamin is fat-soluble. This means that for its absorption, it is necessary to consume greens along with fats.
On a low-fat diet or when consuming greens in the form of a water-based smoothie, the absorption of vitamin K is reduced by 5 times.
And to get the daily norm, you need to eat 200 grams of greens instead of 40.


What is the purpose of vitamin K and in which product is it most abundant?

With a deficiency of vitamin K, any bleeding is difficult to stop. It is necessary for the formation of a clot that stops the bleeding.
Fortunately, there is a product that contains an enormous amount of this vitamin.
Vitamin K is found in any greenery. On average, about 40 grams of greens contain the daily norm of vitamin K. But there is a product that contains 5 times more of this vitamin.
It is enough to eat 7 grams of parsley to get the daily norm of vitamin K.
A salad with greens every day – and there will be no problems with blood clotting.

Brazil nut

How to get the daily norm of selenium. The simplest way.

Selenium is an antioxidant that protects against aging, diseases, and cancer.
It is needed for the immune system, skin, hair, heart, and metabolism.
I will tell you the simplest way to get the necessary amount of selenium. Eat one nut a day to forget about its deficiency forever.
But do not eat more than 7 nuts a day. This can lead to selenium poisoning.
So, the daily norm of selenium is contained in just one Brazilian nut.

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