An important component of successfully following a keto diet is not just the right choice of food, but also of drinks. Many beverages that seem harmless at first glance can contain hidden carbohydrates and sugar, which can hinder the achievement of ketosis.
In this article, we will explore various categories of drinks that can be safely consumed on a keto diet and provide recommendations for their selection.
Allowed Non-Alcoholic Beverages
On a keto diet, it is important to choose beverages that do not contain carbohydrates or contain them in minimal amounts.
Naturally, water is allowed on a keto diet. It contains no calories or carbohydrates and helps maintain the body’s hydration balance.
Tea and natural coffee are also permitted on a keto diet, but without adding sugar and milk. Instead, a small amount of cream or coconut milk can be used.
Green tea, matcha, and herbal teas without additives are excellent options for variety.
Cichorium is also included in the list of allowed drinks. It contains no net carbohydrates.
Another beneficial drink is bone broth. It is rich in electrolytes and helps replenish the deficiency that may occur on a keto diet.
For those who enjoy fizzy drinks, sparkling water and mineral water without additives are suitable. They are refreshing and contain no carbohydrates.
You can also consume unsweetened almond and coconut milk. They are low in calories and contain no sugar, making them ideal for a keto diet.
Finally, don’t forget about electrolyte drinks, which can be made at home by adding a little salt, lemon juice, and stevia for flavor to water. These drinks will help maintain electrolyte balance and prevent dehydration.
More About Coffee and Tea
Coffee and tea are two beverages that are widely consumed on a keto diet, but it’s important to know which varieties and additives are acceptable and which should be avoided.
Coffee itself is low in calories and contains virtually no carbohydrates, making it an excellent choice for a keto diet. However, if you use additives, be mindful of their composition.
Black coffee, espresso, and water-based coffee can be consumed without restrictions.
If you prefer a richer taste, add a small amount of unsweetened almond or coconut milk.
Avoid sugar, syrups, and regular milk, as they contain carbohydrates.
Although instant coffee can also be consumed on keto, it is healthier to use natural coffee.
Tea is also an excellent choice for a keto diet, especially green, black, and herbal teas. They contain virtually no carbohydrates.
For variety, you can use lemon or mint.
However, be cautious with ready-made teas from stores and cafes, as they often contain hidden carbohydrates and added sugars.
Alcoholic Beverages on a Keto Diet
On a keto diet, the choice of alcoholic beverages should be made cautiously, as many of them contain high amounts of carbohydrates.
However, there are several options that can fit into your diet without compromising ketosis.
Dry wines are one of the best options for a keto diet.
They typically contain less than 4 grams of carbohydrates per serving (about 150 ml). White dry wine usually has slightly fewer carbohydrates compared to red.
Spirits can also be a good choice, as they contain no carbohydrates. You can enjoy drinks like vodka, whiskey, gin, rum, and tequila.
It is important to remember that mixing these drinks with juices or sweet carbonated drinks can add a significant amount of carbohydrates.
If you prefer beer, low-carb varieties can be an acceptable option. Many major breweries offer such products specifically designed for those who monitor their carbohydrate intake.
However, even low-carb beer can contain 2 to 7 grams of carbohydrates per serving, so its consumption should be moderate.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that alcohol can slow down the process of ketosis and may affect blood sugar levels.
Also, if you are aiming for weight loss, you should consider that any alcohol slows down the fat-burning process.
Therefore, even when choosing safer options, alcohol consumption should be limited.