Goes well with: Snacks, Chicken wings, Seafood, Meat dishes, Vegetables, Vegetable side dishes, Pizza, Fish, Stewed vegetables
Inventory: Blender
Difficulty: simple
Servings: 8 (1 serving ≈ 220 gram)
Digestion time: 3 hour
Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description
Tomato, Bulgarian pepper, Tomato paste, Cooking salt, Erythritol, Garlic, Chili pepper, Olive oil, Apple cider vinegar, Cilantro
Blend with a blender: 10 min, To boil: 45 min, Mix: 5 min, Bake: 15 min
Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description$$$
Chop the tomatoes (1 kg) and sweet bell peppers (0.5 kg) using a blender or meat grinder, and place them in a heavy-bottomed pot.
Put the pot on medium heat and cook the mixture, stirring occasionally, for 45 minutes.
After that, add tomato paste (100 g) with a good composition, salt (2 tsp), erythritol (0.5 tbsp), as well as chopped garlic (75 g) and hot pepper (1 pc).