Main Recipes available on keto and LCHF Drinks Avocado blueberry smoothie Avocado blueberry smoothie Ingredients1 serving2 servings3 servings4 servings5 servings6 servings7 servings8 servings IngredientQty, gAlmond milk (unsweetened) Bilberry Avocado Erythritol Product release:345 Maintain proportionsRestore to defaultRecalculate nutrientson a plateper 100 grams1/2 dish1/3 dish1/4 of a dish1/5 dish1/10 of the dishAdd a dish to the menuCooking time, minutesCooking1Blend with a blender12 Macronutrients in 100 gProteins1 Fats4.8 Net carbohydrates 2.6 Calories62 kcalIndexesGlycemic index 25.1Glycemic load 1.3Insulin index, II 23.2Disease inflammatory index, DII -0.43Antioxidant, ORAC 1 510Calories per dayFemaleMaleGender130 cm132 cm134 cm136 cm138 cm140 cm142 cm144 cm146 cm148 cm150 cm152 cm154 cm156 cm158 cm160 cm162 cm164 cm166 cm168 cm170 cm172 cm174 cm176 cm178 cm180 cm182 cm184 cm186 cm188 cm190 cm192 cm194 cm196 cm198 cm200 cmGrowthWeight lossDetentionSet6%5%4%972 1350 1620 Macronutrient distributionKetoLCHFPaleoMediterranean⇩ 46 from 5%⇧ 9 from 20%⇧ 45 from 75%21%Ideal:5% Carbohydrates20% Proteins75% FatsPlaidRecommendations (3)Reduce the amount carbohydratesAdd more proteinsAdd more fatsRDA per 100 gFor womenFor menFor children (4-8 years old)For pregnant womenDoctors recommendTherapeutic doseVitamins Nutrient% of RDA E26262657?1 B599715?1 B677516?1 K7101016?2 B966412?2 B267613?1 C5651721Minerals Nutrient% of RDA Antioxidants536862119932 Flavonoids24201834?2 Prebiotics20202041?20 Calcium10101010?8 Boron10101021?3 Fibers710910?6 Potassium5768?4Lipids Nutrient% of RDA Oleic acid (Omega-9)13171524?18Vegan dishes Recipe Collection for Thyroid Health Free ReadListenVideo on the topicReviewsAllowed on dietsKetoPaleoMediterraneanInventory: BlenderDifficulty: very simple 769 Famine (IS): Not possible.Digestion time: 3 hour Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description Almond milk (unsweetened), Bilberry, Avocado, Erythritol Cooking: 1 min, Blend with a blender: 1 min Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description $$$ Place all the ingredients in the blender: almond milk – 180 ml blueberries (fresh or frozen) – 50 g avocado – half. erythritol – 15 g Blend until smooth. Health benefitsEnhancing brain function and memory Any remaining questions? Ask chatGPT.: If you have any questions о рецепте "Avocado blueberry smoothie", you can ask them to our bot. Ask a question Title ▶️Recipe ▶️Ingredients ▶️Macronutrients in the Dish ▶️List of videos from YouTube about the keto version of the recipe "Avocado blueberry smoothie": Leave your review about the recipe. "Avocado blueberry smoothie", if you have cooked according to it:Add a reviewMore vegan dishes:More recipesBeef Stroganoff with salted milk mushroomsCarrot-pumpkin pureeCauliflower hummusVegetable brothMore sweet:More recipesAlmond porridgeColeslaw salad with cabbage and apples.Salad with chicken liver, pear, arugula, and cottage cheeseWarm salad with chicken liver and appleMore smoothie:More recipesBerry smoothie mixBerry-milk smoothieMint coconut smoothiePumpkin smoothieWatch others drinks:Chocolate-peanut smoothieCucumber and dill smoothieSpicy smoothie with cabbage, celery, spinachTomato smoothieWe recommend reading:All articlesBench press with a wide grip. Description and techniqueHow to prevent and treat constipation on a keto diet?Which foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids?Which nuts are actually nuts?Section:DrinksShare: