Main Recipes available on keto and LCHF From Eggs Pumpkin omelette Pumpkin omelette Ingredients1 serving2 servings3 servings4 servings5 servings6 servings7 servings8 servings IngredientQty, gPumpkinEgg Almond milk (unsweetened) Vanilla Olive oil Cooking salt to tasteBulgarian pepper to taste Product release:256 Maintain proportionsRestore to defaultRecalculate nutrientson a plateper 100 grams1/2 dish1/3 dish1/4 of a dish1/5 dish1/10 of the dishAdd a dish to the menuCooking time, minutesBlend with a blender5Fry10515 - 20 Macronutrients in 100 gProteins5.4 Digestible proteins 4.9 Fats5.9 Net carbohydrates 2.9 Calories87 kcalIndexesGlycemic index 34.2Glycemic load 0.6Insulin index, II 48.9Disease inflammatory index, DII -0.30Antioxidant, ORAC 526Calories per dayFemaleMaleGender130 cm132 cm134 cm136 cm138 cm140 cm142 cm144 cm146 cm148 cm150 cm152 cm154 cm156 cm158 cm160 cm162 cm164 cm166 cm168 cm170 cm172 cm174 cm176 cm178 cm180 cm182 cm184 cm186 cm188 cm190 cm192 cm194 cm196 cm198 cm200 cmGrowthWeight lossDetentionSet9%6%5%972 1350 1620 Macronutrient distributionKetoLCHFPaleoMediterranean⇩ 21 from 5%⇩ 38 from 20%⇧ 41 from 75%1%Ideal:5% Carbohydrates20% Proteins75% FatsPlaidRecommendations (3)Reduce the amount carbohydratesReduce the amount proteinsAdd more fatsRDA per 100 gFor womenFor menFor children (4-8 years old)For pregnant womenDoctors recommendVitamins Nutrient% of RDA B726262265? A20262446? B218221740? B4 (Choline)18232239? E16161633? B1215151413? B514141224? B677516? B156511?Minerals Nutrient% of RDA Selenium2222204012 Phosphorus14141419? Iron136411? Lutein88814? Calcium7777? Zinc686131 Potassium6879? Iodine664115Lipids Nutrient% of RDA Oleic acid45565180? Arachidonic acid (AA, Omega-6)16473194? Palmitic acid (Saturated)77711? A Collection of Recipes to Improve Brain Function and Memory Free ReadVideo on the topicReviewsAllowed on dietsKetoPaleoMediterraneanInventory: BlenderDifficulty: simple 690 Digestion time: 3 hourComplete protein: ✔ Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description Pumpkin, Egg, Almond milk (unsweetened), Vanilla, Olive oil, Cooking salt, Bulgarian pepper Blend with a blender: 5 min, Fry: 10 min, Let it stand: 5 min Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description $$$ Place in a blender: baked pumpkin (100 g); eggs (2 pcs.); almond milk (50 g); vanilla (¼ pod); salt (to taste); ground black pepper (to taste); olive oil (1 tsp). Blend all ingredients until smooth. Once the mixture is ready, heat a skillet over low heat. Fry the resulting mixture in a dry skillet, covered with a lid. Cook until the omelet is firm and fully cooked. Make sure it doesn’t burn by adjusting the heat as necessary. Any remaining questions? Ask chatGPT.: If you have any questions о рецепте "Pumpkin omelette", you can ask them to our bot. Ask a question List of videos from YouTube about the keto version of the recipe "Pumpkin omelette": Leave your review about the recipe. "Pumpkin omelette", if you have cooked according to it:Add a reviewWatch others from eggs:“Salad” with bacon and eggCaprese OmeletteScrambled eggs with cauliflowerShakshuka with mushrooms and pumpkinWe recommend reading:All articlesArm extensions on the block. Description and technique of executionKeto diet for weight loss: how much can you lose in a month?The cheapest superfoodWhat drinks can you have on a keto diet?Section:From EggsShare: