Main Recipes available on keto and LCHF Desserts and sweets Vanilla ice cream Vanilla ice cream IngredientsServings: 12345678 IngredientQty, gEgg Vanilla Tartaric acid Erythritol Cream Product release:607 Maintain proportionsRestore to defaultRecalculate nutrientson a plateper 100 grams1/2 dish1/3 dish1/4 of a dish1/5 dish1/10 of the dishAdd a dish to the menuCooking time, minutesWhisk with a mixer10Mix5Freeze6 6 15 Macronutrients in 100 gProteins5.6 Digestible proteins 4.2 Fats20.5 Net carbohydrates 2.2 Calories217 kcalIndexesGlycemic index 0Glycemic load 0Insulin index, II 16.5Disease inflammatory index, DII -0.02Antioxidant, ORAC 1 311Calories per dayFemaleMaleGender130 cm132 cm134 cm136 cm138 cm140 cm142 cm144 cm146 cm148 cm150 cm152 cm154 cm156 cm158 cm160 cm162 cm164 cm166 cm168 cm170 cm172 cm174 cm176 cm178 cm180 cm182 cm184 cm186 cm188 cm190 cm192 cm194 cm196 cm198 cm200 cmGrowthWeight lossDetentionSet22%16%13%972 1350 1620 Macronutrient distributionKetoLCHFPaleoMediterranean 8 from 5% 20 from 20% 73 from 75%0%Ideal:5% Carbohydrates20% Proteins75% FatsPlaidRDA per 100 gFor womenFor menFor children (4-8 years old)For pregnant womenDoctors recommendTherapeutic doseVitamins Nutrient% of RDA A577366127?34 B229342763?1 B722221955?1 B4 (Choline)19242341?5 B1219191716?1 B513131122?1 D1111111122 B666413?1 B15549?1Minerals Nutrient% of RDA Selenium21211939123 Phosphorus13131319?5 Fluorine11111144?11 Iron7326?1 Iodine7751261 Potassium5768?4 Calcium5555?4Lipids Nutrient% of RDA Palmitic acid (Saturated)797979122?158 Oleic acid (Omega-9)32403657?45 Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3)13181422?7 Arachidonic acid (AA, Omega-6)13402679?8 Recipe Collection for Intimate Health Free ReadListenVideo on the topicReviewsAllowed on dietsKetoPaleoMediterraneanInventory: MixerDifficulty: simple 909 Servings: 6 (1 serving ≈ 101 gram)Digestion time: 3 hourComplete protein: ✔ Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description Egg, Vanilla, Tartaric acid, Erythritol, Cream Whisk with a mixer: 10 min, Mix: 5 min, Freeze: 6 h Keto, LCHF: Recipes, Rules, Description $$$ Separate the yolks from 4 large eggs. In the first bowl, beat the egg whites with cream of tartar (1/4 tsp) or lemon juice (a few drops). When the whites start to foam, add the sweetener (8 tbsp of erythritol or 6 tbsp of xylitol). In the second bowl, whip the heavy cream (300 ml) to stiff peaks. In the third bowl, beat the yolks and vanilla extract (1 tbsp). Then, using a wooden or silicone spatula, gently fold the egg whites into the whipped cream. After that, add the yolk mixture and stir until smooth. Transfer the resulting mixture to a container and place it in the freezer for 4-6 hours. Health benefitsBoosting Immunity Any remaining questions? Ask chatGPT.: If you have any questions о рецепте "Vanilla ice cream", you can ask them to our bot. Ask a question Title ▶️Recipe ▶️Ingredients ▶️Macronutrients in the Dish ▶️List of videos from YouTube about the keto version of the recipe "Vanilla ice cream": Leave your review about the recipe. "Vanilla ice cream", if you have cooked according to it:Add a reviewMore ice cream:More recipesBerry ice creamMango-passion fruit ice creamPeanut ice creamPistachio ice cream with matchaWatch others desserts and sweets:Avocado chocolate muffinsBird’s milk on egg whites and butterCream cheese candiesSponge cupcakesWe recommend reading:All articlesBarbell curl. Description and technique of executionDumbbell flyes. Description and technique of executionHow does the keto diet affect athletic performance?What is the keto diet and how does it work?Section:Desserts and sweetsShare: